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What is the Global Inner Aïkido School ?

The School was founded in Belgium in the year 2000 by Sugano Shihan and Michaël Moyses and Michaël Ameye in order to gather students that are interested in the specific teaching of Sugano Shihan Hands and Weapons System.

The need arose indeed to have a dedicated place to focus on the transmission of this System.

The mission of the School is to support this transmission.  While Sugano Shihan was alive this School was supporting whatever he required. 

Nowadays the mission of the School is to preserve and to extend Sugano Shihan’s teachings.

Why the name of Global Inner Aïkido School ?

Global :

Sugano Shihan wished to convey the idea the School transcends the concept of boundaries. We gather every year students from at least half a dozen countries.  The universality of the School is also a token of Sugano Shihan concept of the world.  He considered himself on a mission to transmit O’Senseï’s Art in the whole world.

As a School, Global is also reflected through our strong connection with the Australian Aïkido Federation which also is a main center for the transmission of Sugano Shihan's teachings.

Inner Aïkido :

Sugano Shihan emphasized strongly and regularly that Aïkido techniques are the visible part of the study of Aïkido.  He considered that this part was only 50 % of the study.  The non visible parts are the philosophy of Aïkido that must be present in the practice and the awareness of the student through the non visible aspects of the techniques like the sense of timing, the connection with the partner, …

Sugano Shihan used to say that Aïkido is misogi, or purification of body and mind.  This purification can only be achieved through the study of one own feelings and perception while practicing aikido.  He also often told us that the evolution of the technique can only be achieved in the long term through the evolution of the understanding and focus of the student.


A School is a place where students gather to follow a specific teaching system.  The School foundend by Sugano Shihan folows two main principle « Study » and « Friendship » or « Heaven » and « Earth » (see our « School Philosophy » section.

Our objective as a School is to structure and foster transmission of Sugano Shihan teachings and particularly « Hands and Weapons Teaching System ».


The Global Inner Aïkido School today

The ambition of the School is to gather students from any place in the world to study inner aikido as it was transmitted to us by Sugano Shihan not as a series of special techniques but as a system of study.  Study meaning that there is a Teaching System and a learning path.  That is what the School is about.


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